Prayer Meetings every second and fourth Thursday in the Month.
19:00-20:00, Glaubenskirche, Braunhubergasse 20, 1110 Wien
The most important relationship you can have in this life is God. Through reading the Bible you come to understand what God is like – His thoughts, His plans and His promise for life.
We believe that, worship, work and service, which are pleasing to the Lord, should not be forced, since it is against the law of love. That is why we teach ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to motivate us to volunteer for service and training. People who are informed and inspired will gladly and freely respond to the call of God to service.
In your search for truth, we present to you Jesus Christ, who is the truth.
In your search for fellowship, we provide the atmosphere and encourage you to relate with other enthusiastic people.
In your search for service, we provide you with great opportunity within our congregation and the world.
For prayer support, we also stand in the gap and plead your cause before the Heavenly Father.
What you can do:
You are always welcome to join this warm fellowship to be equipped for service.
You can send your prayer request as you join us to pray
You may also pledge to contribute financially to support God’s kingdom agenda
You may also tell others about us
We thank God for the vision, which gave birth to this congregation. Even though it has not been easy, as is the case in every good enterprise, God has proved himself to be faithful. The congregation has a bright future and it will be realized when all stakeholders commit themselves to work together in peace and understanding.
Prayer Meeting